Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My Three Brain Networks

My Three Brain Networks

Recognition Network

Items I recognized:
Arm Chair, Dining Room Chairs, 7 Framed Pictures, A Bouquet of Flowers, Apron, Dress, Dress, Overcoat, Shoes, Books, Piano, Child's Boots

Strategic Network

How old are the people in this picture?
6 people are between 25-35 years old. The child is 9 or 10.
What historical period and geographical location do you think this picture represents? Why?
These people are in Victorian era, America.
How might the people be feeling in this picture?
The woman is stunned that the man has returned from a long absence, and everyone wants to see the reults of her emotions.

Affective Network

What in particular strikes you about this picture?
The woman standing up seems struck by the man's entrance.
Note something about yourself that might have led you to focus on these particular aspects:
The man is watching the woman, as if waiting for her reaction as she notices him. I have often returned from a long trip to be greeted on my return.

1 comment:

  1. Jared - I see that we do share certain aspects: timeframe, ages, setting. You have had more positive experiences with the situation portrayed in this image; I have had bad news delivered to me on several occasions like this as well as have heard family stories about my grandmother, in the early 1930s, having a similar experience when her husband died.
